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Rusty's Picks for Memorable Moments:

Though there are too many to list here, here are some of Rusty's Picks for Memorable Moments thus far:

Match 1 pre-LAN: Disaster!  Russell Cup Invitational Season 2 starts off with a bang as a nuclear warhead goes off in the heart of Jimbotron City.  Jimbotron rallies survivors in the shadow of the colossus.  Brewdwarf intimidated by trash talk and attempts an early forfeit rush.

Match 2 pre-LAN:  Curse of the Ravens?  Jimbotron reveals his super advanced long-term planning strategy and also the key to his secret cannon placement.  Jimbotron ends the game with a massive queen doom drop.

Match 3 pre-LAN: A true Russell Cup Invitational Season 2 marvel!  Jimbotron's execution of Brewdwarf's signature Dark Templar transition wins them the game.  A massive amount of nukes irradiates The Boneyard for years to come.  Reapers return from a daring mineral line raid only to be annihilated by Jimbotron's secret cannons.

Rusty's Picks for Memorable Moments: Oh, the secret cannons, yeah the secret cannons!

Rusty's Picks Honorable Mention: A good attempt at the forfeit rush.

Match 1 of the LAN Event Spectacular: Sadface.  Brewdurglar of Deaths and Bitches gets taken out by a quick 6 barracks SCV and Marine rush.  Beware the Ides of March.

Match 2 of the LAN Event Spectacular: Hambotrglon's multi-stage worker rush transitions into more worker rushes.  Gamblor's lone SCV desperately try to wall off behind mineral lines while being chased by 10+ drones.

Match 3 LAN: Braynor's successful pylon rush pushes Gamblor's main command center away.

Match 4 LAN: Braynor techs to Terran.  Brewdwarf's triple planetary defense takes on masses of infested marines.  Ravens surprisingly effective.  Hamburglar's 12+ banelings splash gooey fun all over Jimbwarf's rear dig site.

Match 5 LAN: Reverse wall-off turns Zealot Invaders into Roach Food.  Multi-barracks bottleneck fends off follow-up attack.  Braynor showcases evolution chamber rush and evolution chamber defense in style.  Braynor gets taken out early on by a quick 5 barracks SCV and Marine rush in what many call the Karma Smackdown.

Match 6 of the LAN Event Spectacular: Was that a hint of honor showing?  No.  Brewdwarf throws it all away for a cheap thrill by cannon-rushing in the dirtiest way possible and massing phoenix.

Match 7 LAN: He's got heart!  Jimbotron rolls with the punches on Shakuras Plateau.  Hamburglar reveals a new strategy: the liftoff rush.

Match 8 of the LAN: Ghamburgloar's Mothership-Roach defense as they chase Zealots and Dark Templar through their base.  Incredible 2-2 Battlecruiser counter paired with Brewdwarf's signature DT transition.

Match 9 LAN: 3-way PF wars - Terran OP expression coined for the first time.

Let's take a closer look at some of the teams this season:

As expected, one of the best teams so far has been Braynotron, which started off the season with two straight wins in games 2 (two) and four (4) against Team Edward on Debris Field, and Brewdurglar of Deaths and Bitches on Scorched Haven, respectively.  Sporting an impressive record of two (2) wins and 1 (one) loss out of three possible games, Braynotron ties in at #1 for best team in the Russell Cup Invitational Season 2 (two) and was voted most likely to enter the 2v2 SC II pro circuit by our viewers.

Also tied for #1 with a 2(two)-1(one) record are the Alpha Squadron Boys, aka Team Edward.  Despite a rocky start and an early loss against Braynotron, the dynamic duo bounced back in full force on Tarsonis Assault (formerly known as Coalition) and Omega Sector, defeating Hambraynor and Hambotrglon with their combined Terran might.  Sloppy?  Not today, friends, not today.

"They seem like just a couple of regular guys to me... just a couple of regular, normal guys, but I enjoy their Russell Cup Invitational Season 2 play."

-Just a regular fan comments on Team Edward.

The team known as Ghamburgloar also ranks #1 in terms of score, and is well known for being the only team to take a game off of the powerhouse team Braynotron with a combination of powerful macro, building placement and reverse wall-offs, and later taking down Jimbwarf on War Zone with their trademark roach-mothership combination.  Brazilian macho-man team BRoziñgu would throw away any honor that might have been in order to take a game off of them by questionable means.

Jimbwarf and Hambraynor currently rank a respectable second, both finishing their 3-game run with one win and two losses.  Despite their record, these teams have provided some of the most entertaining and exciting games thus far this season: 

Rusty's Picks for Memorable Moments: Who can forget Jimbwarf's stunning reversal against Team Effort in Match 3?  Brewdwarf's signature dark templar transition executed perfectly by his teammate Jimbotron.

Jimbwarf's Planetary Fortroxen take a massive amount of infested marines on Desolate Stronghold.

Team Effort currently ranks last at no wins, two losses, though with still one game unplayed, it's still too early to make a definitive ruling.  Thus far, the underperforming team has been struggling somewhat in their matches for various reasons, but according to reliable sources Team Effort - the team that nobody believed in - has worked out their differences and developed a healthy, positive attitude as well as teamwork and communication all while learning valuable life lessons.  This new "underdog" strategy has many predicting that Team Effort may somehow turn things around and take home the gold.

"You may make it. You may not. But that doesn't matter, Charlie. What matters is that we're here. Look around. Who ever thought we'd make it this far. 1 2 3 Triple Deke. Take your best shot. I believe in you, Charlie. Win or lose."  -Team Effort coach Gordon Bombay gives star player Braynor a pep talk as they reach the finals of the Russell Cup Invitational Season 2.

Hard-trying Brazilian macho-man team BRoziñgu is currently tied with Hambotrglon at 1 win, 1 loss*, and fans are gearing up for the upcoming showdown between the two teams that will decide which will tie the current record of 2-1 and rank among the most successful teams, and which one will not.

*and/or non-win

Jerome "Doc" Louis (seen left) is most famous for his role in training and coaching boxing legend Little Mac (who managed to Punch Out Mr. Dream in 1987).  Doc Louis also achieved a lesser degree of fame in his portrayal of fictional character Leslie David Baker, an actor who plays Stanley Hudson on The Office.  He refused to comment on the upcoming match.

Talk about a sticky situation!  Many wonder whether Brewdurglar of Deaths and Bitches will make the cut.  With two games to go and one loss under their belt already due to a seedy all-in rush, the possibility of placing in the top teams seems possible, though they will have to first defeat Team Effort, and then Gamblotron to get there.

What lies in store for our competitors?  Fan(s) are spinning their wheels, grinding their gears and popling their fandangles as they await the exciting conclusion to this most exciting event.  Will your favourite win big, or lose it all?  You, the reader, decide.  This is Rusty Russellson, signing off.

Fans are still reeling from all the excitement after twelve intense games, and await the next three with an enthusiasm that is hard to match.

When asked to comment on his use of nuclear strikes this season, Gamblor had this to say: "I don't want to set the world on fire.  I just want to start a flame in your heart."

Rusty's Picks for Memorable Moments #1: Brewdwarf's mastery of being supply blocked manifests itself in the form of a stunning timing attack.  His Gateway powers up and sends the aggressive SCV fleeing home.

Still to come in the Russell Cup Invitational Season 2: Hambotrglon versus BRoziñgu

Brewdurglar versus Team Effort.

Brewdurglar versus GAMBLotron.  Tuesday is coming, did you bring your coat?

They have things like the atom bomb, so I think I'll stay where I "ahm".